DaVinciCTF 2023 — Pwn Write-up : Robots out of control

Les Pires Hat
5 min readMar 13, 2023


From Saturday, March 11 to Sunday, March 12, 2023, the DaVinci CTF was organized by the students of the Pôle Léonard de Vinci. Our team finished 10th overall out of 289 teams.

Let’s go for a writeup of the Robots out of control challenge in Pwn category.

Thanks to the DaVinciCode team for creating this challenge and managing the CTF!


The challenge statement is as follows:

One of our warriors robot (called eva) has been corrupted by an unknow enemy. We have lost the control and he is now in berserk mode. Hopefully we have developped a rescue terminal in case some issue happen. You have to disable the berserk mode through the terminal, you can use all techniques you want. Here is the binary

nc pwn.dvc.tf 8889

files: robotsoutofcontrol.tgz


This time we are simply given the ELF (and the Dockerfile?) and have to find the vulnerability ourselves.

$ ./vuln
EVA remote rescue terminal
A. Exit
B. Drop emergency shell
C. New command stub
D. Edit command stub
E. Print command stub
F. Inject command stub
G. Print this menu
NERV. All right reserved

We can create, edit, print and inject “command stubs”, that are structs looking like this, from what I understood:

struct stub {
char* command_ptr; // -> stub.command_content
int command_size;
char** ramiel_msg = 0x00[]72f0; // 0x00[]72f0 -> 0x00[]72c0 -> “Damn…”
int ramiel_size = 0x21;
char[10] command_content;

When we create a new command stub, we can specify a command. The code takes only the first 10 chars and put them in command_content. The issue is that command_size is equal to the size of the string we entered, and not the max size of the command_content buffer (10).
So if we enter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (20xA), we will have 10xA in command_content and 0x14 (20) in command_size.

This is bad, because the function edit_command_stub reads stub.command_size chars from the stdin and puts them in *command_ptr, creating a heap overflow.

The heap overflow

When we create 2 stubs, here’s the state of the heap:

stub0:     0x555582c0 0x00005555
0x00000123 0x00000000
0x555572f0 0x00005555
0x00000021 0x00000000
0x41414141 0x41414141
0x41414141 0x00414141

dontcare: 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x00000021 0x00000000

stub1: 0x55558300 0x00005555
0x00000123 0x00000000
0x555572f0 0x00005555
0x00000021 0x00000000
0x42424242 0x42424242
0x42424242 0x00424242

(Note that both stub have a command_size of 0x123, so we can trigger the overflow)

Now, if we edit stub0 and write something like 48xA, we now have:

stub0: 0x555582c0 0x00005555
0x00000123 0x00000000
0x555572f0 0x00005555
0x00000021 0x00000000
0x41414141 0x41414141
0x41414141 0x00414141

dontcare: 0x41414141 0x41414141
0x41414141 0x41414141

stub1: 0x41414141 0x41414141
0x41414141 0x41414141
0x5555720a 0x00005555
0x00000021 0x00000000
0x42424242 0x42424242
0x42424242 0x00424242

We successfully overwritten pointers of stub1 !
Since we can control the pointers of stub1, we know we have both arbitrary write and arbitrary read thanks to the functions print_command_stub and edit_command_stub that both uses stub.command_ptr to perform (and we now have control over this pointer).

I was really happy when achieving this, but when trying to exploit it locally nothing worked, I completely forgot that the binary was PIE… At this point I was pretty tired, I could not think straight so I just went to sleep sad.

Bypass PIE

When explaining where I was to a teammate, we quickly found out how to leak an address in order to bypass PIE, we just had to write until just before the address we want to leak and print the command of stub0, that will print the heap until a null byte, which means leaking an address!

If you check the state of the heap after we wrote 48 A (a bit above in the article), you can see that if we ask the program to print the command of stub0, it will leak everything, even pointer in stub1

Thanks to that, we can leak the address of the hard coded string “DAMN, we are getting fucked by Ramiel” (who tf is ramiel anyway), and since the string is in the data section, we can retrieve the base address of the binary by subtracting it’s offset.

Bypass ASLR

Since we have bypassed PIE, we can now use a ret2plt attack in order to leak and address of a libc function and retrieve the base address of libc.

Since I know the base address of the binary, I also know where the GOT segment is, so I made another heap overflow, this time overwriting the value of stub.command_ptr with the address of got.puts. Then we simply need to call print_command_stub on the stub, and this will leak the content of got.puts, which is the address of the libc puts in the memory (where libc has been mapped).

Since the version of libc on the remote challenge is unknown, we also have to find the version by leaking 2 other functions, and going to a site like this one in order to get the version of libc and all the offsets we are interested about in this libc version.


Now that we have both the PIE and the ASLR bypassed, it’s a simple ret2libcattack: since we already have an arbitrary write, we just have to replace the address of got.puts to the address of system.

Once, we did that, we just have to write “/bin/sh” as the command_content of a stub, and when we’ll launch print_command_stub on it, it will execute system("/bin/sh") :)

Wrap Up

My entire exploit code is here

What it looks like:

$ python3 exploit.py
[*] ‘/home/gammray/Documents/CTF/dvctf/pwn/robot_out_of_control/vuln’
Arch: amd64–64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
[+] Opening connection to pwn.dvc.tf on port 8889: Done
[*] Creating attacking stub n°0 with max command size of 512
[*] stub n°0 created
[*] Creating attacking stub n°1 with max command size of 512
[*] stub n°1 created
[*] Editing stub n°0
[*] stub n°0 edited
STUB ADDR : 0x55c44a3a32f0
BASE ADDR OFFSET : 0x6ef4e4c000
PUTS GOT ADDR : 0x55c44a3a3220
[*] Creating attacking stub n°3 with max command size of 512
[*] stub n°3 created
[*] Creating attacking stub n°4 with max command size of 512
[*] stub n°4 created
[*] Editing stub n°3
[*] stub n°3 edited
LIBC PUTS : 0x7ffa23cc4ed0
LIBC BASE ADDR : 0x7ffa23c40000
SYSTEM ADDR : 0x7ffa23c94d60
[*] Creating attacking stub n°9 with max command size of 512
[*] stub n°9 created
[*] Creating attacking stub n°10 with max command size of 512
[*] stub n°10 created
[*] Editing stub n°9
[*] stub n°9 edited
[*] Editing stub n°10
[*] stub n°10 edited
[*] Creating attacking stub n°11 with max command size of 512
[*] stub n°11 created
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Enter the index of your command stub (should be in range 0,255 included)
>>sh: 1: Start: not found
$ ls

Flag : dvCTF{SnPr1nTf1Sn0rS4f3AsY0uCaNth1Nk-dbf968539e8090b2}




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